Effective ADHD treatment for children without medication
Niacin together with Megadose Vitamin C has been used as a very effectively for ADHD treatment for children according to Andrew Saul who is an expert on Vitamin therapy.
Andrew Saul says,
Niacin is a far safer approach than Ritalin or Adoral or any of the other drugs prescribed for ADHD (attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder) that millions of children are given every day.
- andrew saul phd
Andrew Saul who taught at school has seen the number of children taking prescribed drugs daily increase year by year.
He says,
andrew saul phd
Behaviour problems are not due to a DRUG deficiency but they may be due to a Vitamin deficiency.
They may also be due to junk food and sugar overload.
There are many proven natural remedies for ADHD in children by using only natural supplements for a ADHD child.
The question remains what is the most effective ADHD treatment without medication.
Many parents are asking; How to help my child with ADD/ ADHD without medication and of course what is the most effective treatment for ADHD
Below are some excellent articles on treating children with ADHD the natural way without using harmful drugs that can alter their brains.
Recommended Resources
"What's he done this time?" How many times have I heard a parent say this after I've commandeered the school phone to call home about their child's behavior. While it is no picnic to teach a class populated with ADHD kids, life is infinitely harder for Mom and Dad, the long-suffering people Dr. Abram Hoffer calls "battered parents." And with good reason.
by Helen Saul Case
Magnesium deficiency is found more frequently in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than in healthy children. In one study of ADHD children, magnesium deficiency was found in 95 percent of those examined. Does this warrant magnesium supplementation for hyperactive children? The answer is yes.
In a group of children supplemented with about 200 milligrams (mg) per day of magnesium for six months, there was "an increase in magnesium contents in hair and a significant decrease of hyperactivity" compared to children in the control group who had not been treated with supplemental magnesium
By Andrew W. Saul PhD
ADHD is not caused by a drug deficiency.
But it may indeed be caused by profound nutrient deficiency, more accurately termed nutrient dependency.
Although all nutrients are important, the one that an ADHD child is most likely in greatest need of is vitamin B-3, niacinamide.
If you need Niacin and Vitamin C at a great price then you can find it here at our online shop
Important Vitamins and Nutrients to effectively ADHD treatment for children
Niacin Tablets
Vitamin C Starter Pack 1Kg Powder
Power MAG - Magnesium Citrate
Powder 500 grams
For a Free eBook on the Power of Vitamin C you can go here